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Exciting News!

Precision Vascular is Becoming StrideCare on January 1, 2024!

We are excited to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards providing a more unified experience for our patients and referring providers. Precision Vascular will be adopting the name of our parent company StrideCare.

The new name takes effect on January 1 of the coming new year. With a singular brand identity and mission, we can better align our services with the needs and expectations of the patients and physicians in the communities we serve.

What this means for our valued community:

  • Same Physicians and Healthcare Professionals: The team of healthcare professionals you know and trust will continue to provide the highest quality care.
  • Health Insurance Plans: All health insurance plans currently accepted will still be accepted.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Our commitment to the health and well-being of patients remains our top priority.
  • Enhanced Services: Our commitment to delivering exceptional medical care remains stronger than ever. The rebranding will bring forth exciting improvements, including new services, advanced technologies, and expanded care options.
  • Improved Patient Experience: We will continue to prioritize comfort and convenience for patients, ensuring that every visit to our clinic is a positive and stress-free experience.
  • Clinic Signs: All clinic signs will become StrideCare branded in December.


New Contact Information, Effective January 1, 2024!

Phone 866-552-4866 | Fax 866-946-4085

We look forward to continuing to deliver exceptional healthcare under our new brand name, StrideCare.